Q&A Daftar Qarz

What is Daftar Qarz?

Daftar Qarz is a specialized app designed for discreet loan management and financial transactions. Tailored for specific users, the app ensures privacy and security by requiring account creation with unique credentials. Users can seamlessly write loans and record payments within the app, facilitating easy tracking of financial transactions.

How to create an account ?

Users can effortlessly start a 10-day trial account. Simply download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store, enter your phone number, email, and password during the account creation. This account remains active for all future use throughout the trial. To subscribe annually, it costs 60,000 IQD, and payments can be easily made through FIB or Fastpay.

Contact us

Call us at +9647501806678 / +9647501806678 or send an email to safeenkurd96@icloud.com.

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